Reach Church Sunday School


Beginning April 7th, Sunday School returns at Reach Church - and we have classes for everyone! Adult classes will be meeting upstairs, as will the youth, and the kids will meet downstairs.

What do I need to know?

Classes will begin at 9am and will run to 9:30am. Plan to arrive a couple of minutes prior so class can start on time.

I serve on the Dream Team? Will I miss the huddle?

NO! We will be having the huddle on Sunday Mornings at 9:35am in the same location.

What about my kids?

Sunday school for kids will run at the same time. Reach Kids classes will open for Sunday service at 9:45am.

What about pre-service prayer in the Sanctuary?

Prayer will still be available to before service, but it will be from 8:30-8:50am.


Reach Kids

Pastor Matt and amazing Reach Kids Volunteers will be bring classic Sunday School teaching to our kids every Sunday morning downstairs.

Want to know more about what they have been covering so you can talk to your kids about it at home? Click the button below!

Reach Youth

Pastor Brayden and the awesome Reach Youth Leaders are taking turns to teach our students various lessons from the Scripture that are relevant and current for them.

Want to know more about what they have on their agenda to talk to your student during the week? Click the button below!

Reach Church

Pastor Philip and other skilled Bible teachers are teaching adult Sunday school classes for people of all experience and levels of growth!

Want to know more about the classes that are currently offered and what media, notes or books are available or helpful for each class? Click the button below!